
Last UK-USA Christmas Posting Dates (2016)

If you're sending packages and cards overseas, you've got to be on the ball and send everything early to ensure you'll beat the last minute Christmas rush.

US: Mother's Day


Sunday, 13 May, 2012
Mother's Day in America, be sure to buy cards in advance during UK Mother's Day in March.


Thanksgiving Day Services


24 November, 2011 - 10:30
U.S. Ambassador Louis B. Susman would like to invite the American community to participate in the annual Thanksgiving Day Service at St. Paul’s Cathedral on Thursday, November 24th. The event will be a non-denominational, American-style service, organized by the American Church in London (ACL). Ambassador Susman will be giving a speech following the service. Service begins at 11am, the doors open at 9:45 am. Please plan to arrive no later than 10:30 a.m. For more information see US Embassy London.


Calendar and Holidays

In the UK, and most of the world, dates are formatted as day-month-year, 23 January 2010. It can be tricky remembering to change this.


The following is a table of holidays and notable dates for both the UK and the US. (When you’re not in the US, sometimes it’s handy to be able to quickly access American dates, some are easy to forget.) The British Holidays and Notable Dates are linked to information pages about that specific day.

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