
Christmas Casserole Cookies




A dead easy christmas cookie to make that is a blending of coconut and pecans.

Preparation time: 

1 hour


2 eggs (large)
1 cup sugar (caster)
1⁄4 teaspoon salt
1⁄2 cup pecans
1 cup dates (chopped)
1 cup coconut (shredded)
1⁄8 teaspoon almond extract
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1⁄2 cup icing sugar


Mix eggs, sugar and salt together until pale yellow. Add remaining ingredients and stir well.

Bake in ungreased 9 inch dish at 350 for 35 mins. should be barely brown around edges.

Remove from oven, put in clean bowl and stir well. Leave to cool at least 15 mins. With hands, form walnut sized rounds and roll in icing sugar in bowl. Cool on rack for minimum 1 hour for cookies to harden.

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