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C'est La Vie: New French Rule Requires Drivers to Carry Breathalyser Kits in Cars

If you're planning a holiday or other trip to France later this year, you should be aware of a new driving rule that will come into effect from July 2012. The new French law will require all drivers, including tourists, to carry a breathalyser kit in their car.

How to Make Free Calls to the USA/Canada with Google+

Are you using Google+ (link is external) yet? If not, free calls to the USA would be a good reason to give it a try! It's quite easy but we've created a tutorial video to show you how to do it so that you can phone your family and friends over the holidays.

Scottish Speech Recognition a Wee Problem for Siri, Really

The Apple iPhone 4S launched in October 2011 with its voice recognition innovation feature Siri. Siri allows users to operate the device with voice commands to create text messages, emails, notes, reminders, searches and make calls. Siri was designed to understand normal speech, but Scottish users have found Siri is struggling to understand the Scottish accent.

PBS UK Launched on Sky and Virgin Media

On the first of November, the award-winning American public television broadcaster, PBS, began airing in Britain with its new tv channel, PBS UK. In the USA, PBS is watched by 233 million Americans a year.

Lima Echo Alfa Help - The Phonetic Alphabet Intro

I had known of the phonetic alphabet when I lived in the USA of course, the military, police and aviation industry used them, we all saw it on TV and film. I had never before been asked to spell anything over the phone with this system, until I moved to the UK.


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