
American Expats and Obamacare

What should American expatriates know about Obamacare?

Temperature Conversions

Ovens - Many/most ovens are fan ovens (aka convection) and temperatures are shown in Celsius.


The UK healthcare system is entirely different to the US, there is a National Health Service operated by the government to provide medical care to the public.

UK Resident Expats Entitled to State Health Care When Travelling in EEC

If you're a UK resident travelling in Europe, be sure to to get your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) (link is external).

Swine Flu Sense

With swine flu spreading throughout the world and surrounded by media hype, some expats must wonder how they should deal with the ramifications of this epidemic sensibly. Cases are being reported in our children's schools and it is becoming clear that we will all likely have to deal with the uncertainty that surrounds being exposed to this virus.

WHO Declares Swineflu Level 6 Pandemic

The WHO has today raised the swineflu alert level from the level 5 set on the 29th of April to a level 6 pandemic as infection numbers and deaths continue to rise. The BBC is regularly updating their outbreak statistics Swine Flu: Country by Country (link is external).

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UK Yankee is a resource and community for expatriate Americans living in or planning to move to the UK, established in 1999. Please join the discussions in our friendly expat community.