
London's First EVER Free Summer Camp & Teen Travel Fair


Sunday, 5 February, 2012 - 14:30 to 17:30
London's First Ever FREE Summer Camp & Teen Travel Fair Approximately 35+ groups will be attending to showcase their worldwide residential programmes for ages 6+. There will be residential traditional summer camps from the UK, Europe, USA and Canada and as well as dedicated teen travel opportunities worldwide purely for secondary school students. Traditional Summer Camps for children offer the opportunity for children to develop, gain confidence and learn new skills. The camps attending the camp fair offer a wide range of options including all land and water sports, outdoor adventure, all types of arts, crafts and theatre. Some camps offer the opportunity to combine these activities with a language and/or an intensive sport option such as football, golf or tennis (and others!) In addition to the camps above, there will be programmes for secondary students offering enrichment and grade improvement in Maths, English, Languages and Science. Languages covered at the Fair will include French, German, Mandarin and Spanish. Teen programmes offer a taste of adventure and encourage independence. Teens can sail, scuba dive, ski, cycle, trek overland and explore exotic destinations such as China, India, Mongolia, Brazil, Fiji, Costa Rica, South Africa, Tanzania and more. Some of these programmes can be combined with language immersion and/or community service or enrichment programmes There will also be teen programmes offering enrichment, pre-college courses at Universities in the USA as well as internships for 16+ in London and in the USA. These courses allow students to explore future career paths in areas such as marine biology, environmental science, ecology, architecture, nursing, sports management and engineering. In addition programmes offering SAT tuition will be there. SATs are the essential test required by all American Universities and the testing technique must be mastered before being taken. Camp Experts UK will also be on hand to discuss other options for parents if none of the camps exhibiting are appropriate. Their advice is totally free.


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