January 2010

International Overseas Removal Quotations & Shipping

We can provide you with very useful international removal information and supply you with 6 international removal quotes what ever country your are moving from and to.

Global Gophers - Personal Shopping Service

International shopping and forwarding service.

Edinburgh Relocations

Relocation service and homesearch for accommodation in Edinburgh and surrounding areas

Notaries Society

 Locate a UK public notary, search by postcode, town or name.

Advice Now

Provides problem solving guides surrounding common legal issues.


The official NFL UK hosts fan rallies and superbowl parties.

American Soda

American sweets, candy, drinks and food in the UK. Also selling Ziploc bags, Saran Wrap, Tide and more.

The Stateside Candy Co

British store selling American Candy and Groceries, shipping worldwide, with a store located in Aldershot, Hampshire.

Times Online

UK national paper with conservative orientation.

The Telegraph

UK daily broadsheet with conservative orientation.


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UK Yankee is a resource and community for expatriate Americans living in or planning to move to the UK, established in 1999. Please join the discussions in our friendly expat community.
